iLas Pulse
The iLas Pulse system is a unique tool for Subcellular Nano-surgery and Nano-irradiation combined with FRAP/Photoactivation. Coupled to a microscope, it addresses a wide variety of bio-physical applications.
Precise focusing of pulsed laser light in real time enables non-invasive manipulation of the structural machinery of living cells with several-hundred nanometer resolution.Banner Credits: RPEI Cells transfected with lifeact-GFP. Dr Timothée Vignaud, Dr Laurent Blanchoin Team at CEA Grenoble, France. Laser ablation at 355 nm permits visualization of relaxation of a single actin stress fiber after targeted ablation. Central part of the images was enhanced for better visualization.
Modular V2.0 GATACA software
Improved interface and new functionnalities
Modular 360 TIRF:
- Fast and easy calibration for your azimuthal TIRF experiment (up to 6 calibrations)
- Easy switch between averaging modalities, 360 ellipse, arc or point TIRF
- Very intuitive user interface for live navigation between Widefield, HILO or TIRF
- Live fine tuning of your illumination settings (angle, power, depth, …)
- Multicolor steaming for fast multicolor acquisition at same penetration depth
- Simultaneous or sequential multicolor excitation and detection
- Multicamera capability with different penetration depth
- Theta-scan acquisition mode for axial super resolution (50nm resolution)
Modular TARGET for FRAP FLIP and ablation:
- Easy and robust auto calibration
- Simple ROI manager
- On the fly FRAP/ablation with points, spirals or ROIs
- Intuitive power control, adjustable repetition and Thickness
- Integrated FRAP and FLIP providing experimental pre-settings overview
- 256 level image importation for precise patterning and complexes ROIs

REAL TIME patterning using the ablation laser on a large sCMOS camera.
256 gray levels, 18mm FOV